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Post Info TOPIC: Help me to understand an addict...


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Help me to understand an addict...

Hello all... Please help me... this is my last resource before I admit myself into the hospital for having a breakdown.

History:  I am married to an alcoholic who abuses cocaine, and he also has been diagnosed with Bipolar and Hypomania.

I am a beautiful, self-sufficient, hardworking woman (government employee for 10 years), and also have my own baby-booming company, and I have a beautiful 8 year daughter... I would describe myself and calm, patient, laidback.  I have lost these wonderful qualities because I have become an angered, depressed, humiliated, tyrant because of the built up frustrations of living with an addict who won't see the error of his ways.

The past 2 years have been hell.  I knew he drank every once in a while, but not until 7 months we had been together, that I saw how bad his drinking and binging was.  January 2007, he binged heavily on coke and vodka.  Me and my baby were asleep.  My bedroom door was locked and it was late, as I had to get up to go to work in the morning.  He told me to open the door, and I told him "no" and that he needs to go sober up on the couch, and get some rest until the morning.  I refused to open the door because I was tired of the drinking.  At this point, I hadn't realized he was a heavy drug abuser.  He became furious. I told him if he didn't stop I would phone his relatives and this seem to anger him more.

So he calmed down and convinced me that he just wants to lay down and get some sleep, and told me to please open the door.  I open the door, and he was enraged.  He punched me in the eye.  Instantly I felt my eye swell and it felt like it ballooned and was going to fall off of my face. I screamed with pain, then he continued to hit me in my head.  This woke up my daughter and screamed with fear as she watched him hit me continuously.  He dragged me into another room and continued to hit me.  I begged him to stop, then he ran to kitchen and I heard him rummaging throught he drawers... so I took the opportunity to run outside in my undergarments (it was winter time, which meant is was 30 degrees and COLD).  I was barefoot and screaming for help, it was almost midnight.

A bunch of people standing together saw me and came to my aide and ran inside to confront my H.  My little girl came running to me.  She was barefoot and cold, but she was worried about me, so I held her.  She saw how terrible my black eye was.  The police came and arrested my H on the spot.  A relative came and took my daughter and the ambulance took me to the hospital to treat my eye.  I had a broken eye socket and multiple bruises on my head and neck.  They kept me overnight and wouldn't release me... I was scared.  My eye took over a month to heal.

The court mandated a 6 month outpatient drug program on the condition he stay clean or else that would give him 90 days for violation... With his family and myself learning for the first time that he had a serious cocaine problem, we all opted to stand by his side... I regret doing so now.  He told me that his binging was over.  The judge granted him freedom, but he had to work his drug problem to get better.  Well he relapsed so this meant he was in violation and ended up serving the entire 90 day sentence. While incarcerated he was evaluated and diagnosed with Bipolar and Hypomania...

He called me crying 5 times a day from jail telling me how he has found the Lord and that once he got out of jail, he was done with coke and alcohol, well he lied... He started back on drugs as soon as he got out of jail, and he would not take his bipolar meds, so I had him committed into psych hospital. They release him after 8 days, and he relapsed again. I got him in a outpatient program 2 months later, yet he continues to use, so I gave him the ultimatum to go to a far away inpatient residential program, away from me, his friends and family where he could just focus on himself. 2 months of this, he got out in May, but today I post on here, he is still using...

I have kicked 2 nights ago, because we had a big fight, and he threw something at my back and it cut me... The past 2 nights my heart has been breaking because I do love him, and he loves me, but he loves his alcohol/drugs more... He keeps screaming that he's gonna change, but its not happening. I have stood my ground, not let him back in, and not answer my phone. No contact is helping me maintain control, but I am so hurt.

He has had 3 people call me in the last 24 hours (all his friends), getting on my case saying that I need to support him instead of jumping on him. He's blaming me for his relapse and going around telling everyone its my fault that he has anger problems. He has told everyone that he will relapse if I don't let him back in the house...but he has relapsed... Why is he blaming me???

I am numb and I hope I can find help here... Why is he blaming me? I am guilty of yelling at him AFTER he relapses, so why does he blame me for relapsing? I'm wrong for arguing, but I have changed. I was never like this. I was patient and low key, never argued, but at the point of frustration... I put him out, and it breaks my heart, but I'm forcing no contact.. He doesn't get it that it's over.. I'm very scared...

Please help.



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Date: 1 day ago
Views: 128


Welcome to MIP.I am so sorry you are going through this nightmare. There will be numerous responses to your post. At MIP we do not judge and we try not to give advice. We offer experience, strength, and hope. Many of us have been in your shoes, or are still in your shoes. We understand.

My first comment is...if your best friend, sister, or mother were being treated this way, what would you encourage them to do? I know you love him, but love needs to come second to the safety of you and your daughter. Nothing you do will make him stop or start his addiction. He is either going to drink/drug or not...what are you going to do?

I encourage you to find a safe place for you and your daughter. Get to an al anon meeting as soon as you can (don't be afraid to take your daughter), and get copies of all of their literature. Keep some money and a bag packed and ready in case he becomes violent again and you need to get away.

Keep checking back at MIP for responses and please keep posting.



Posts: 11
Date: 1 day ago
Views: 122

thanks babysteps!

here's more history: I am the bread winner of the house.  Before I met H, he was living off of his mother rent free. His father passed away 6 years prior.  My H is the eldest of 4 kids, and he is the only male.  All of his sisters are college grads, happily married (all for at least 10 years) with children and very successful.  He is the only one who has failed...  Before his father died, his father was loving and caring, devoted to his wife for 30 years.  My H had an awesome upbringing.  His father purchased an apartment building a few years before he died, and he rented it to his only son (my H) for $100 a month.

I could understand my H's behavior had he came from a broken home, but he had it good.  His parents gave him the best and he was raised by his father into adulthood, to be responsible. His dad worked 2 jobs for over 25 years and was loved by the community.  His mother was a community activist and politician for 20 years, so I'm baffled.  Why is he the only one to turn out this way? Is it the drugs? Had his father been alive today, he would have killed my H for mistreating and disrespecting me...

His father's death had a huge affect on his family.  My H's mother, (my mother-n-law per say), turned into an alcoholic after the death of her husband.  She is also BiPolar.  My H, lived with his mom after dad's death for 6 years, rent free.  Meanwhile abusing drugs.  He also disrespected his mom repeatedly and stole from her, but she never put up a fight, and allowed him to live with her.  So he feels that he can do any and every one (especially females) the same way.  It is his bedroom that he gets high and drunk in his mother's house.  The sad part is, his mother knows he binges in her home, and she allows it, and won't put him out...

He dates women off and on, but never settles down until he meets me, and decides to finally move out of his mom's house after marrying me. I now realize that I removed her problem and made it my problem. 

His mother is out of town right now, but I'm sure she will allow him back and he will fall back on his ass.  I realize now, that it is not my problem anymore. It is his problem.  All morning long, he has had different people call me and leave messages, blaming me for his relapse and his anger... I am looking for consolation here... Is it my fault that he continues to binge? Is it my fault that he can't control his anger? What can I expect once he realizes that I am serious about divorce?

He has been out of my house for 3 days now... nobody has ever put him out in the streets and he is crying and begging to come home and he insists he will me to understand, is he speaking truth and really scared, and tired of being homeless, or is he just saying what needs to be said only to relapse again? There is no question that he loves me... he is the type of man who will scream in crowd on a street that he loves me, but this drug and alcohol has got a hold on him...I'm


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Hi my name is Kathleen. I am writing to you because I have lived in your shoes. I cannot offer you advise because I know when I lived in the middle of hell I was the only person who could get me out of it.
The father of my youngest daughter is an addict. We were together for 6 years. I endured physical and emotional abuse at the whim of his mood swings and believed for a lot of the time that I was with him that I could do domething to make everything better.
I believe that my ex is also suffering with mental illness. After a really bad fight he would be sorry and offer to go and see a docctor to get help only to be back to his old self in less than weeks.
The first time that he harmed me physically, I called the police who came. He was waiting outside very camly and explained to the cops what he had done to me and why. I was afraid to press charges and the cops suggested that he go for a walk and cool off. He came back hours later and kicked the crap out of me and told me that he had gone downtown and paid a crack head $50 to kill me. Unfortunately, in my city that is a real threat. It kept me from calling the police again for over three years.
When he would go into his marathon rages I would call his brother who would come and get him and take him away for the night.
I really thought that it was his mental unbalances combined with his using that caused him to behave the way that he did. It did not matter ot him where we were, at hime, at friends, or in public, if he was mad then he would make me pay.
After awhile I really felt stupid. I was in a trap and to proud to look for any help. If i had seen someone like me 10 years ago I would have thought that she deserved everything that she got if she was stupid enough to stay.
I don't think like that now. I know different.
Finally in december, he went off for the last time. it was building up for awhile and there had not been 1 day in over three months that he had said even good morning to me. every day was full of threats of harm or death and the emotional abuse was making me crazy. I was starting to believe that it was going to be him or me. I was either going to kill him or I was going to kill myself but i was not going to let him have the satisfaction of doing it.
by this time he had stopped using drugs. he quit last june. It actually made him worse. he was never happy and always angry which meant that Ia;ways had something to pay for.
So in december, at around midnight, he snapped. he thought that i was messaging guys from my cell phone. i wasn't. that didn't matter the only things that were real is what he believed.
he strangled me to the point of black out and threw me across the room like a rag doll. i managed to get to my daughter's bedroom to call the police. i had done this enough.
my ex took off and the police came. i told them what happened and a bit of our history and they convinced me that it was not safe to stay in my house. the escorted me to a womens emergency shelter and issued qa warrent for my ex's arrest.
i had never been to a shelter before and did not know what to expect. they were very nice and knew a lot about domestic violence.
They did a danger assessment on me, and high was 18, i scored a 28. they told me that if i went back that it was almosst garunteed that he would assult me again and that it was very likly that he would kill me.
i opted to apply for a spot in a domestic violence program that offers safe housing and councilling for a year.
This is where I learned about boundries. the line where i end and he begins. I also learned about responsiblity. who is responsible for what.
We all have our parts to play in a relationship but it seems that the person being abused takes on or accepts most of the blame for what has gone on.
It has been six months now. a hard thing for me to let go of. i have learned that I CANNOT FIX HIM and that the only person that can take responsibility for his actions is him. he has gone downhill since all of this and he is using more drugs that before and seems to be sliding downhill first.
The worst thing that i am dealing with now is that my daughter either witnessed or heard almost all of the abuse. although she is smart and resillient, these are things that will stay with her forever. I put myself in her shoes now and imagine what it was like to be so small and powerless to stand by and watch her mother getting hurt. it is hard to live with and a big focus of my councilling right now.
I my self am an addict on the road to recovery and have been reading a lot of literature on recover.
One thing I learned about my ex though is when he was in active addiction, he was not capable of loving anyone. the only thing that mattered to him were his drugs. there is no way that i could ever change that but if he is ever going to change he is going to have to hit bottom and have nothing left. Change is hard and the only person that you can really do it for is yourself.
The only thing that I would suggest is getting in touch with a womens center and look into domestic violence councilling for you and your daughter. you have both been through a lot and need to be near people who have been there.
Here is your consolation,
it is not your fault that he continues to binge. it is NOT your fault that he cannot control his anger. It will probably be shitty when he realizes you are filing for divorce.
First they are really sorry and then if that does not work they get very angry. I am scared for you and feel that it is important that you contact a shelter. He has already shown how sneaky he can be when he got you to open the door so he could break your eye socket.
There is real danger there and you need to get help building a saftey plan. for you and your daughter.
my email is if you want to chat a little more.
I have been where you are and will pray for you.

Yes, I bought a ticket on the crazy train.....Good thing it was a return ticket.


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thank u... i am in tears right now, can't reply



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Hi Jaysbaby,

I breaks my heart to hear stuff like this, but after being in recovery 21 years,  yours is text book story.  I've also sat in Aca meetings and heard women talking about watching their father shoot their mother (at age 6,8,10).  Of course he is making you the focus of his problems.  That's why most addicts will NOT get clean while they are in a relationship, and of those that are clean for a while and relapse, relationships are usally the cause.  If he has a 1 in 20 chance of getting clean on his own, the odds are probably 10 times as great for getting clean in a relationship.  It's too easy for him to say,  "I ok because I've got her...".  So I think that you've done the right thing by moving on.  Now somehow I hope that you'll send some kind of strong message to him that his well being and freedom will be in jepordy, if he comes near you and your daughter.   If it were me, I'd get a dog and shot gun.

take care of yourself,



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Just know that you are not alone and that there are many paople that have been right where you are standing right now.
As i said, you can email me if you want to chat and you will be in my thoughts.
Stay safe.

Yes, I bought a ticket on the crazy train.....Good thing it was a return ticket.

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hi jay , im anthony and im a drug addict..first off your h isnt lying to you.i can relate to being high and swearing its the last time..these honest open appraisals of my drug use were all to common but only while i was high. it went something like this. it was very easy..i would be hours clean , slightly drug sick,and looking to this point i was short tempered. impatiant.moody and in a rush to get my fix. never once during this time did i think , i have people that depend on me , i need to be clean.i need to do the right thing..BUT as soon as i got high my first though was , i need to quit not doing the things i need to..thats where im coming from when i say he isnt lying.your h without me judging him is an addict like me. for better or you know its usually an addict i look for people that will help me use. i look for friends that use with that can work around my addiction.and wifes that will take care of my personal life earning the money and paying the bills..sound familier ? there is no excuse for your Hs an addict i have to accept resposibility for the turmoil i might want to check into ALanon or Narconon. to learn more about your own have that baby to protect and that starts with you. your h should be on his own.he has to make his own decisions.take care of his own recovery.and fix the hurricaine he created.through recovery maybe you two can patch it up and start anew. but you can NEVER fix him..the good news is you have a chance to fix you. thanks for sharing with us so of luck to you . anthonyg sun.gif


" If  you have  built  castles  in  the  air , your  work  need  not  be  lost ; that  is  where  they  should  be . Now put  the  foundations  under  them . "

         Henry David  Thoreau


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I am really sorry to hear about your difficulties. You have given him more then enough chances. Unless he can stop for good and find a new way of life, you probably know you have to remove him from your life permanently.

If someone refuses meds, and keeps abusing himself with drugs, they are going to hurt everyone around them. Repeated pyhisical violence is uneacceptable.

I was diagnosed as bipolar by a shrink, though my therapist dis-agreed. The diagnosis blew my mind, and I argued about that with him, my (now ex)wife, and myself. But I found that taking seroquil helped me immensely. If it helped me feel better, why should i worry about what name they called it?  Most anyone can stop using and find a new way to live, bit ONLY they can make that choice. You are powerless over his disease and it's made your life unmanageable.



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Hi I'm Stacia, an addict.. 26 yrs clean and  have been where u r. Addiction is a disease.. his friends may be using too so .. to them u r the bad guy.. know that he is sick.. do what u need to do 4 u and that baby.. get safe and get to an alanon meeting if u can.. at least here on line.. but get safe NOW..  prayin 4 u ... Stacia

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