It's been a while since I've posted more than a brief response to another post, so it seems like it's time for a check-in.
I've now been in my new area for two years and in my current location for 10 months. I still don't feel super connected at meetings, but I show up and participate at two meetings a week.
I recently started a step/tradition meeing in the small town in which I live. I was very cautious when making decisions about location, day, time, and type of meeting so I wouldn't detract from other meetings. (Tradition 4 in action.) The meeting is on Tuesday nights and we just finished our third week. The first week there were four members, the second week two, and this week there were four again but not the same four as the first week.
I am the only homegroup member, which made the first business meeing really short! I need to make a decision about donating some $$ to the church in which the meeting is held. Nothing else is urgent although it would be nice to purchase some Basic Texts at some point. Since the new group doesn't yet have the ability to vote on area motions, I still do that at my old homegroup where we also recently voted on the CAR. (Did anyone else participate in that?)
I have a couple of new sponsees. One has six years and the other a few months. Neither of them call much and don't seem to need much. The one with the few months tells me she is "doing step one" but has not asked me anything about it. I wonder what she's doing.
Another sponsee and I have now been together for about three years although we've known one another for six. She has two years clean and we have somehow developed the most incredible relationship. I truly love her and am grateful to have her in my life.
I am calling my sponsor about once a week. He and I have now been together for a couple of years although we've known each other for about 22 years or so. It's very cool to have the history and level of comfort that comes with that time.
Otherwise, life is chugging along and I am pretty much staying in the moment and not rushing any decisions. Although I think about some situations that I expect to enter my life in the fairly near future, I am mostly surrendered to dealing with things as they evolve. Every once in a while I get wound up about something, but nothing major.
I like your style Blithe and your program seems very sound, you have my utmost respect for the responses and help you bring to this board and all who seek help. You clarify many things for me and give me a different view point, mines very narrow I think and I like how you share your ESH with all of us, very greatful to have you here glad things are chuggin at a good pace :)
Thanks for that awesome share, gives me lots of strength and hope, so glad that I read your share Blithe
We also have our Steps/Traditions Study Meetings on Tuesday here at my homegroup.
And yes, we had a CAR Workshop a month back, and our group also took consciences on all CAR Motions with a lot of participation and interest shown by around 30 members from our area who attended the whole CAR workshop this time. We just forwarded our output and consciences to our RD a few days back to take it back to the world...
The principles of self-support and commitment have been my major focus these days. I liked what you shared about staying in regular contact with Sponsor. That's a very important aspect I picked up from your share that I need to do too, thanks again for sharing and caring with us the NA way... Glad we have been blessed with your presence here at MIP, Blithe... love you and need you
"If we do an honest examination of exactly what we are giving, we are better able to evaluate the results we are getting."Chapter 10 - Emotional Pain - NA Way of Life.