I leave friday to go to this sober-living home thing.. it's out in Oregon.. which is so far away.. and i'm nervous.. i feel like everyone else in the world is doing these great exciting things with their lives and i'm just watching everyone go by.
HEY Scott you get it together then get a life thats how it works.
I've felt the same thing my memory just took me down memory lane. I was going to college and walking home one day the street I was walking down had all these nice homes and I saw one i just fell in love with, said to myself if I can just stay sober I'll have a home someday like that, shortly after had to dropped out of school because I relapsed I was planning on being a substance abuse counselor but I just couldn't stay clean, that was like 9 years ago.
I still don't have a house and I'm a painter but I am clean today, stay into today Brother this is what we got and it's better then what we had.
Keep in touch if you can, I will send you my home(apartment) address and you can write if you like love to hear back from you let us know how you are.
Good luck Scott. I used to live in a sober house in austin (Oxford house) and to be honest it was some of the happiest times of my life. I made friends and went to tons of meetings, some of my best memories are living in that house. Wish there was one where I lived because its probabaly what I need to do again. Good luck to you!
We are not human beings learning to become spiritual, we are spiritual beings learning to become human.
thanks guys.. and yah totally vini, send the info to my e-mail Scott61289@aol.com, ya know cuz i won't really have access to a computer at least for a while
Best Wishes Scott. You have been and would always be in my thoughts and prayers.
NA Hugs.
"If we do an honest examination of exactly what we are giving, we are better able to evaluate the results we are getting."Chapter 10 - Emotional Pain - NA Way of Life.