I am finally getting the hang of this whole "work" thing haha, i'm no longer a temp hire, and a full employee and working 40 hours a week! and after 60 days of working there i get benifits! Medical, Dental, and Life Insurance (which is good cuz my parents aren't putting me back on their insurance plan come January )
I'm starting to have a lot more feelings of self-worth, i'm still pretty lonely though, i have a couple new friends, but i'm still afraid to put myself out there, and risk getting hurt/abandoned again like has happened with so many of my friendships, so i'm still sort of reserved about hanging out with them and investing in our friendships ya know?
I have to get my Wisdom Teeth pulled out, i have an appointment to get the x-rays..etc.. done and i'm afraid i won't find the courage to tell the doc that i am an addict and to not perscribe me opiate-based pain killers, this is going back and forth in my head all day long, and it would be so stupid to relapse over this, i mean i can avoid goin out and lookin for dope, but when it's something like this... you guys.. i'm struggling..my addict brain is trying to tell me that it's fine and won't matter.. but i know myself and i'd abuse the hell outta those if i got them! and that is not okay!
well, just checkin in, hope all is well in your lives!
Man, look how good things have gotten in just 30+ days! I wish I would have gotten this at 18. Count your blessings. Stay greatful.
You are working a program by talking about this problem. Ask one of your friends to go with you. If they can't, go to a meeting and ask for help and someone will go with you.
Make meetings, make meetings, make meetings..... Meeting makers, make it!
At least your getting to know your addict mind its going to continuosly mess with your head you'll just get more and more used to recognizing and handling it, your doing GREAT Scott
I have found reading the Basic Text is such a good thing, especially early in recovery, studying it as much as possible as it was something that made me feel better. Chapter 10 has some good stuff in it for occasions such as the one coming up for you. Also, the IP "In Times Of Illness."
I had some teeth taken out in early recovery too. I declined the meds and went with ibuprofen. I found that I could actually put up with a small bit of pain over a few days....rather than go back to using one of my favorite drugs....ya know?
My thoughts and prayers are with you....easy does it :) Love and Hugs!!
-- Edited by NA_ROCKS at 11:37, 2007-11-03
Just For Today....I will have faith in someone in NA who believes in me and wants to help me in my recovery.
May your dreams come true. Stay blessed my friend.
Thank you for sharing the glad tidings of your recovery with us.
"If we do an honest examination of exactly what we are giving, we are better able to evaluate the results we are getting."Chapter 10 - Emotional Pain - NA Way of Life.