"If we do an honest examination of exactly what we are giving, we are better able to evaluate the results we are getting."Chapter 10 - Emotional Pain - NA Way of Life.
hey scott, i'm clean 28 days today....it's not easy, the first month or so, is it?
i'm new to the board, but just wanted to say hey and hang in there....i've had a pretty bad time of it so far, just feeling crummy most of the time, but everyday i'm clean i'm proud...even if i still feel bad physically, i know i am going to make it....
yeah, 30 days tomorrow, and it's so effing HUGE, and i should be excited, but life is piling up around me! i am so overwhelmed, i got the new job and all, but it's so hard, i don't know what i'm doing and customers just get pissed at me, like yesterday one lady slammed her purse on the counter and was glareing at me and it just made me have an anxiety attack and blank on what she ordered ahhhh i wanted to go hide in the corner, i deff need a hug !!!!
P.S. i got a sponsor, i dunno if i told ya guys that, but i havent answered my phone at all this week, i literally did not pick it up unless it was my parents, my sponsor prob thinks i've been using, and my friends prob think i'm dead and or a jerk.. which i probably am, i just don't want to deal with ANYTHING, i really sorry i haven't been more active on the board, i know yall are goin' thru some rough stuff too, but i'm just not in a good place to be offering words of wisdom hah, but you guys do know that i do support you!!!
"If we do an honest examination of exactly what we are giving, we are better able to evaluate the results we are getting."Chapter 10 - Emotional Pain - NA Way of Life.
YOu may not look back today and be greatful few of us could honestly be greatful in the beginning , but later on if you continue to stay clean you'll understand the magnitude of how much you changed the course of your entire life Scott.
We all went threw the stuff early stages of recovery just keep getting threw each moment because when you do you grow it gets easier the next time and the next time event and things and general life happen.