Through our developing relationship with our sponsor, we learn about the principle of trust. By following the suggestions of our sponsor instead of only our own ideas, we learn the principles of open-mindedness and willingness.My relationship with my sponsor has played a large role in my recovery. Its true that this is where I started slowly learning to trust. At first I would only let little pieces of me go. Then as I began to see that those secrets were completely safe with her, I began to let her see a little farther into me. And thats what she told me intimacy was intomesee-. After establishing what was the only trusting relationship that I had in my life in a long time, I started to see that the whole time I had also been learning how to apply different spiritual principles in my life also. By taking her suggestions and at least trying them I was practicing some open-mindedness and willingness without even knowing it. I trusted this woman and still do; otherwise I would not have been open to her ways. But while she was learning about me, I was also learning about her. I knew from what she had told me that she had been where I was at the moment. And she didnt mind sharing with me what had worked for her. I just had to accept it and try it. Trying something new and different isnt always easy, but today I know that it does sometimes work if I just attempt it. And that still applies today when facing a new struggle. I call my sponsor and just try what she suggests whether I like it or not. When I want something different, I try something different.
hey vini I read somewhere and heave heard alot that you casnnot sucessfuffly work the steps without a sponser it is strongly suggested that we have one for more than one reason this is also where the unity of the program comes in with outr oldtimers telling us youngsters how it works how is NA to thrive and grow
rayne wrote: hey vini I read somewhere and heave heard alot that you casnnot sucessfuffly work the steps without a sponser it is strongly suggested that we have one for more than one reason this is also where the unity of the program comes in with outr oldtimers telling us youngsters how it works how is NA to thrive and grow
I met a guy I like and may ask him to sponsor me just need to get to know him a bit better, funny thing is he's my aunts roomate I had heard he was in the program but hadn't met him until my aunt had surgery and had to go to her house to get some things for her during her recovery in convelescent hospital ended up talking with the guy for an hour and I like his style.
I understand how this stuff works i'm just a lil bit defiant but with the right person I would take a sponsor just needed to find the right person for me.
I dont go for nazi types or someone with alot of unmanageabilty in there life like my last sponsor.
ew vini I am a natzi lol I sware by NA and OMG anyway I guess with my time in and out of the program I was raised by Natzis in the program love ya alot vini
well it does pay to be firm on things in this program there may be ALOT OF suggestions and only 1 requirement but we need to make sure we DO certain things for this to work and the more you put yourself into something often times the more you will get out of it.
I think nazi is a bad word a better wor would be hard-liner
Hey Vini, just my view on sponsors...mine never tells me what to do even when I beg her to. She is simply there to listen and ask me objective questions that I may not have thought of then I make the decisions for my life. I know there are some hard ass people in the program, my advice to you dont look for the ones that can quote the basic text but go for fellowship and find some one that has incorporated the principals in there life. My experience has been that those that need to talk about it dont usually practice it. Look for actions not words when picking a sponsor. And you know what they say about sponsoring your self, you cant fix a sick mind with a sick mind...