I'm Ally from Scotland, I'm an @op in Al-Anon room....I met some of you at the MIP Athon at the weekend...I just wanted to say, you have had a huge impact on my life, this week....lol I have grown so much over the last week...I have been through a rough time the last two months.....I have a friend in AA, over five years....We have been friends a long long time...And we moved the friendship up to a physical level.... It was going okay at the start...It lasted for three months...but we both wanted different things...I wanted a relationship, and he wasn't able to offer one...
I have been in so much pain because of this....Anyway.......At the weekend, I listened to all of you guys....You shared things, It really gave me some insight into things in my life...And into his life....
I have now completed my third step....I have let go of him.....my obsession has all but stopped....I think about him sometimes, but I can get him out of my head again...He no longer lives rent free...
I still love him... I want to spend my life with him....But I need my recovery for ME.....And also he needs to get back to his...As right now he is not in recovery.....
I have appreciated all you have said.. And I thank you for your experience, strength & Hope.....
Wishing each and everyone of you... A great recovery lasting a lifetime...Also..Health and lots of Happiness....
it was great to meet you as well ally hop[e you still stop by to say hello I am glad to hear your perspective is changing that means you are growing. I was grateful to have all A's were able to unify with no probs ty for havoing us there