As recovering addicts, we come to know gratitude. As our defects are removed, we are free to become all that we can. We emerge as new individuals with an awareness of ourselves and the ability to take our places in the word.Basic Textpg.94Gratitude didn’t come easy to this addict. I was so full of self-pity that I couldn’t see others problems, or worked hard to prove that mine were worse. I was full of self and self righteousness, thinking my way was the only way. I didn’t want the help of anyone unless they were to help me get more of my drug of choice. After being defeated by this disease, I came dragging myself into the rooms. My first sponsor use to tease that I came in looking like a drowned rat! But she also showed me how to get past that by showing me what she had done. That was to make meetings, pray, meditate, and work the steps, all while continuing to call her on a regular basis. After struggling through the first couple of steps I began to see the changes that she and others in the program had promised me. That self-pity was removed and replaced with empathy/sympathy and a true desire to help others. I slowly gained tolerance so I could be a better mother, honesty so I could be a better person. I am very grateful today for all that my HP has given me through this simple program called Narcotics Anonymous!