JFT March 4 The process
This program has become a part of me.... I understand more clearly the things that are happening in my life today. I no longer fight the process. Basic Text, p. 127 = In active addiction, things happened seemingly without rhyme or reason. We just did things, often without knowing why or what the...
Dave R
JFT March 1 Anxiety attack!
[The] Power that brought us to this program is still with us and will continue to guide us if we allow it. Basic Text, p. 27 = Ever had a panic attack? Everywhere we turn, lifes demands overwhelm us. Were paralyzed, and we dont know what to do about it. How do we break an anxiety attack? First, we stop....
Dave R
JFT March 2 Success
Any form of success was frightening and unfamiliar. Basic Text, p. 14 = Before coming to NA, few of us had much experience with success. Every attempt to stop using on our own had ended in failure. We had begun to give up hope of finding any relief from active addiction. We had grown accustomed to fa...
Dave R
Hey everyone. I would like your opinions. I was recently fired from my job because I told my boss I was being sexually harassed. Thoughts?
My car stolen in a Meeting!!
While at a meeting last night, I put my keys, phone and cup of coffee under the seat I was sitting in. A woman sitting behind me, quietly took my keys and left the meeting. No one in the meeting thought anything of it. I went outside about half way through it, not knowing my keys had been taken... walked int...
na phone meetings
are there any call in meetings? Sure would appreciate knowing how to call in if there are....thanks
JFT February 27 "Pure" motives
We examine our actions, reactions, and motives. We often find that we've been doing better than we've been feeling. Basic Text, p. 43 = Imagine a daily meditation book with this kind of message: When you wake up in the morning, before you rise from your bed, take a moment for reflection. Lie back,...
Dave R
JFT FEbruary 28 The greatest gift
Our newly found faith serves as a firm foundation for courage in the future. Basic Text, p. 96 = When we begin coming to meetings, we hear other addicts talking about the gifts they have received as a result of this program, things we never thought of as gifts before. One such gift is the renewed abili...
Dave R
JFT FEbruary 24 A new influence
Personality change was what we really needed. Change from self-destructive patterns of life became necessary. Basic Text, p. 15 = In early life, most of us were capable of joy and wonder, of giving and receiving unconditional love. When we started using, we introduced an influence into our l...
Dave R
JFT February 23 Messages and messengers
Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities. Tradition Twelve = The Twelfth Tradition reminds us of the importance of putting principles before personalities. In recovery meetings, this might be paraphrased, don...
Dave R
JFT February 26 Remorse
The Eighth Step offers a big change from a life dominated by guilt and remorse. Basic Text, p. 39 = Remorse was one of the feelings that kept us using. We had stumbled our way through active addiction, leaving a trail of heartbreak and devastation too painful to consider. Our remorse was often inte...
Dave R
JFT February 25 Sick as our secrets
It would be tragic to write [out an inventory only to] shove it in a drawer. These defects grow in the dark and die in the light of exposure. Basic Text, p. 32 = How many times have we heard it said that we are only as sick as our secrets? While many members choose not to use meetings to share the intimate...
Dave R
This week
This week is going to be a rough one for me and my entire hometown. On Thursday it will be the 2yr anniversary of the school shooting that took 3 lives and injured 3 more. Our town is small. Everyone knows everyone and it's the happiest place on earth to many. Please support us by wearing red and black on Thu...
Recovering without NA meetings to turn to.
Due to some life on life's terms stuff I may be moving woth my husband to a country (Albania) that to my knowledge does not have any presence of NA yet. I am wondering if anyone has EXPERIENCE on living somewhere without the fellowship but remaining in recovery. I have always worked my program by sponsor...
JFT February 21 Self-pity or recovery--it's our choice
Self-pity is one of the most destructive of defects; it will drain us of all positive energy. Basic Text, p. 80 = In active addiction, many of us used self-pity as a survival mechanism. We didnt believe there was an alternative to living in our diseaseor perhaps we didnt want to believe. As long as w...
Dave R
JFT February 20 Powerlessness and personal responsibility
Through our inability to accept personal responsibilities, we were actually creating our own problems. Basic Text, p. 13 = When we refuse to take responsibility for our lives, we give away all of our personal power. We need to remember that we are powerless over our addiction, not our personal b...
Dave R
JFT February 22 God's will, or mine?
We continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it. Step Ten = In Narcotics Anonymous, weve found that the more we live in harmony with our Higher Powers will for us, the greater the harmony in our lives. We use the Tenth Step to help us maintain that harmony. On a dai...
Dave R
Day -4- of no opiates!...
Here I go again. Detoxing for the 100th time. I feel like such a failure. I've wasted so much money on opiates, I do have pain and get a legit script each month but I always run out early. Anyway, I'm scared...my husband has no clue. One time he said I looked like I was on drugs and I lied and told him I took a klo...
...powerless over -CHAOS-..........
....hello,,I'm Michael,,I'm an addict,,,,relieved to have finally accepted narcotics anonymous as an important part of my life,and happy to be clean today. ....as I've been getting clear of the chaos of active drug addiction from my life,,,I realized a couple of weeks ago,that I was involved in a...
JFT February 19 Reservations
Relapse is never an accident. Relapse is a sign that we have a reservation in our program. Basic Text, p. 79 = A reservation is something we set aside for future use. In our case, a reservation is the expectation that, if such-and-such happens, we will surely relapse. What event do we expect will b...
Dave R
Work is extremely slow this year!
I have a little pressure washing and painting business. I enjoy making things appear new again, refreshing them. And I'm good at it. It's how I make a living. This winter has been rough. Winters always are in this kind of business, but this year seems to be the slowest I have ever seen. I haven't ha...
power up with prayer
I wish all a blessed day in recovery, remember this is truly your most important thing you will do this day, stay clean , reach out in prayer and meditation to a higher power and admit your weakness, find power and strength to get past the demon of addiction and be saved this day, one day at a time . I have man...
Old Hurts Resurface
It has been one of those days. I have been thinking of wrongs done to me in the past, and for some reason it is really getting to me. I thought I had left the grudges behind, I am happy in my recovery. I think maybe I am just tired of reminders of where I was in the past. I thought I could live with minor irri...
JFT February 16 Faithful feelings
When we refuse to accept the reality of today, we are denying faith in our Higher Power. This can only bring more suffering. IP No. 8, Just for Today = Some days just arent the way we wish they would be. Our problems may be as simple as a broken shoelace or having to stand in line at the supermarket. O...
Dave R
Time for a new moderator
I am resigning as moderator. I'll continue on for a little while to give some time for a new mod to take over. I'll be messaging John and BigV and letting them know. Anyone wanting to be moderator should message them as well.
Good Morning!
It's 7 AM, morning prayer and mediation is done, the coffee is brewing, first cig of the day is sitting in the ash tray. (just haven't found the willingness or desperation to put them down). Each morning I pick up my NA Basic Text and just randomly open it and read a paragraph or two. This morning it op...
This saved me once
"Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorius triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat. " -Theodore Roosevelt My last relapse wi...
...JUST FOR TODAY....some words of inspiration and hope for NEWCOMERS...
...when we enter the rooms of NA for the first time,,things can be overwhelming--the mind can scramble with many new thoughts of recovery,,,VERY different than what occupied our minds before!!..in my area,,it's usually at meetings end,,that the newcomer is asked to read the following message,...
5 simple steps
Actually theres 12 steps but there not all simple, the simple plan of action was asked of me from my higher power, spoken to me loudly after having a few years clean but pretty much just dry. Having not have worked the program once again and having just relapsed after 5 years clean and not working the prog...
Grateful today
My name is Sarah and I am an addict, I went to a face to face meeting yesterday and it gave me a sad. Some of the members that had been my life lines when I first started coming to meetings went back out. Yes, I am beyond glad that they came back and are still alive, but I am struggling with the why. I am also mad...